Sunset Avenue Art
Welcome to the 2024-2025 year Sunset Art page! Below you will find information about art contests, art expos, donations, fundraisers, art projects, and our exciting new art clubs!
Art Contests
Art Projects
Hispanic Heritage Month Project
Our project was published in the Clinton City School weekly memo and we are very proud of the work we did for this project. Below is the article.
Shout to Mrs. Mallory Strickland and Mrs. Luz Ortega for celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with their students in Art Class at SAS. Mrs. Strickland is partnering with Luz Ortega for her Hispanic heritage month lesson. Ms. Ortega is going to be teaching about the Panama region to her third and fourth graders, while in art, students will be doing Panama Molas art in art class.
5th graders will be doing mosaic art of different Hispanic flags. They can choose which flag to do for their art. The flag can represent their Heritage/culture or be a country that they would like to visit or are interested in.
Of course we always celebrate Hispanic Heritage month by learning and celebrating artist Frida Kahlo!

Traditional Panama Molas
American Indian Heritage Month Project
We will begin this project In November. We will learn about this heritage and how art is used in this culture. Each grade will focus on a different project.
5th graders will be making dream catchers
4th graders will be making totem poles
3rd graders will be making medallions
Here are totem poles from last year’s project!

Totem Poles