Some school staff and parents/guardians are beginning to receive the official email notifications from PowerSchool about the data breach that occured last December. The email also contains information about the complimentary Credit Monitoring and Identity Protection that PowerSchool is offering through Experian. A link to that same offering was shared in an email sent to all CCS parents/guardians February 3, 2025. The email from PowerSchool will come from PowerSchool with a subject line of PowerSchool Cybersecurity Incident.
Please note that this particular email is not a scam or phishing attempt.
Algunos miembros del personal escolar y padres/tutores están comenzando a recibir las notificaciones oficiales por correo electrónico de PowerSchool sobre la violación de datos que ocurrió en diciembre pasado. El correo electrónico también contiene información sobre el monitoreo de crédito y la protección de identidad gratuitos que PowerSchool ofrece a través de Experian. Se compartió un enlace a esa misma oferta en un correo electrónico enviado a todos los padres/tutores de CCS el 3 de febrero de 2025. El correo electrónico de PowerSchool provendrá de PowerSchool con una línea de asunto de Incidente de ciberseguridad de PowerSchool.
Tenga en cuenta que este correo electrónico en particular no es una estafa ni un intento de phishing.

Clinton City Schools was affected the recent PowerSchool data breach. Visit https://5il.co/358hi for more details.

Clinton City Schools was affected by the recent PowerSchool data breach. Visit https://5il.co/358hi for more details.

Auditions for Mother Goose have adjusted times due to inclement weather.

Due to the impending inclement weather, Clinton City Schools will operate on an early release schedule Friday, January 10, 2025

Due to the impending inclement weather, Clinton City Schools will operate on an early release schedule Friday, January 10, 2025

Join all your friends from Clinton City Schools as the Marksmen take on the Roanoke Rail Yard Dawgs! $5 of every ticket purchased will be donated back to Clinton City Schools!
Saturday, January 25th| 6 p.m.
GAME THEME: Star Wars Night

The Grand Regal Resort 1589 White Lake Drive, White Lake, NC is hosting a Clinton City Schools family day Saturday, September 21, 2024. 10% of profits will be donated to Clinton City Schools!

ESS is hosting a meet and greet event in Conference Room C at the Central Office Friday, September 6, 2024 from 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm. The address is 300 Westover Rd, Clinton, NC 28328.

Parents and Guardians,
North Carolina is moving from PowerSchool to Infinite Campus. Clinton City Schools is part of Phase 1. Our team has been working diligently to verify the data was imported correctly. Please know that we are aware there are still errors that need to be corrected. As we work through this progress, please note the following:
Student schedules are still being worked on. Please disregard anything you may see via the parent portal. You will receive an accurate schedule for your student(s) at orientation and on the first day of school.
Parents of new students who need to be enrolled in Clinton City Schools can submit an online enrollment application via this the links found on the front page of any Clinton City Schools websites. The main site is https://www.clinton.k12.nc.us
All parents can create their parent portal in the new platform with the information that sent via email to the parent/guardian email contacts that existing in PowerSchool and were imported into Infinite Campus
Coming soon....
Parents of returning students will be able submit an annual update to report any errors or new information for each student.
Thank you for being patient during the extremely complex process of transitioning to a new Student Information System.

All Clinton City Schools student accounts were changed 7/30/2024 to end in @clinton.k12.nc.us instead of @ccsgafe.org to prepare for upcoming technology initiatives. Students accessing their accounts will need to enter their username followed by @clinton.k12.nc.us . Passphrases were not changed during this process.

Plan to attend the Clinton City Schools Expo April 25, 2024 from 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm in the Football Stadium. The Expo will feature tables with information from schools, grade levels, departments, and clubs along with student performances, artwork and presentations.

SUN Bucks: A new food assistance program for school children. Starting this summer, families that qualify can expect to receive $120 per eligible child in grocery-buying benefits on a debit-like card. These benefits can be used to purchase food at retailers that accept EBT, including most major grocery stores. Visit the SUN Bucks webpage at www.ncdhhs.gov/sunbucks to learn more. IMPORTANT: Some families will get benefits automatically sent to the mailing address in their child’s school record. Update your child’s mailing address by March 28th by contacting your child’s school.
SUN Bucks: Un nuevo programa de asistencia alimentaria para los niños en edad escolar. A partir de este verano, las familias que reúnen los requisitos pueden esperar recibir $120 por niño elegible en beneficios de compra de comestibles en una tarjeta parecida de débito. Estos beneficios se pueden utilizar para comprar alimentos en las tiendas minoristas que aceptan EBT, incluso en la mayoría de las tiendas de comestibles principales.
Visita la página web de SUN Bucks en www.ncdhhs.gov/sunbucks para obtener más información.
IMPORTANTE: Algunas familias recibirán beneficios enviados automáticamente a la dirección postal en el expediente escolar de sus niños. Comunícate con la escuela de tu niño para actualizar su dirección postal antes del 28 de marzo.

The Clinton City Schools Board of Education approved calendars for the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 school years during the February 26, 2024 regularly scheduled meeting.
You can view the 2024-2025 Calendar at https://5il.co/2fpft
You can view the 2025-2026 Calendar at https://5il.co/2fpfs

The Sampson County YMCA is holding a Be My Valentine-KNO on Saturday February 17th from 5-9pm for children ages 5-12.
Learn more at: https://www.ymcasenc.org/programs/kids-night-out/

Time Sensitive Option for a Free Lenovo Tablet - act before February 7, 2024.
WIC participants get a FREE Android Tablet + Internet 📱
CLICK https://hooptablet.com/?ag=kf2 to apply - courtesy of KF Foundation 🏈
Los participantes de WIC obtienen una tableta Android GRATIS📱Con Internet GRATIS!
HAGA CLIC: https://hooptablet.com/?ag=kf2 🏈

Been thinking about switching out your old mattress? Come check out the options in the CHS atrium February 3, 2024 and support the CHS Marching Band if you make a purchase!
You can also support the band by eating a pancake breakfast at Hwy 55 before heading over to the mattress sale! See a marching band member or band parent for your tickets no later than January 25, 2024.

Learn more about how to manage your data and how it is used!

Due to the threat of inclement weather for tomorrow afternoon, Clinton City Schools will dismiss two hours earlier than their normal dismissal times on Tuesday, January 9th.
Clinton High School will be released at 12:30 pm. Sampson Middle School will be released at 12:45 pm. Sunset Avenue School will be released at 12:55 pm. Butler Avenue School will release at 1:15 pm and LCK will release at 1:05 pm. In addition, all after school activities will also be canceled.
Thank you for your continued support and please stay safe.

Sunset Avenue School award assemblies will take place on January 19th, 2024. The times are as follows: 8:30 5th Grade, 10:00 4th Grade, and 1:00 3rd Grade. Thank you for your continued support!